Soo L.'s review of ABC Building Supplies

ABC Building Supplies

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 12/13/2008
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Review 12/13/2008
I should've known why someone above wrote such a bad review on Yahoo and Google. I went there today only to confirm that they had the worst service EVER. It's not really "they", it's the crazy owner lady who was the rudest person I've ever seen. She needs a psychiatric help.

When I asked for the price range for the french door, she yelled "if no size, I don't give you price" so I re-phrased my question to "what would be the price range for the standard size french door like the ones they sell at Home Depot or Lowe's?" I was smiling although she was totally rude. Then she threw something in her hand at me (didn't hit me though) then slammed on her desk then said "Then go to Home Depot!!! Get OUT!!" By now, I'm totally startled.

I told her to calm down and asked why she's yelling and pointing finger about 2 inches from my nose. Then she said "I'm NOT YELLLLLLINGGGGGG! Get OOOOUUUUTTT!"

The only thing I did was mention the "standard size like the ones at Home Depot" then she was getting violent???! I thought about calling the police but I wanted to report this to Better Business Bureau instead. As I said "forget it" and walked out, I heard "stupid!" in the back of my head. What a nasty experience! I still feel sorry for her miserable life and unhappiness. Totally wasting her life doing unpleasant things. NEVER going back again.

I made a complaint to BBB then she wrote back a very nice letter to BBB explaining that's not what happened, and she tried to help me in a nice manner, and french door is not just a french door at ABC. She lied on her response to BBB, not mentioning how she threw things, and how she was banging on the counter, and how she was pointing her finer almost touching the face, and how she called a customer "stupid", and how she was yelling hysterically.

Never ever going back. My contractor told me she's been that way for a long time, so I told him not to ever refer anyone there.
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